Professional page speed optimization

01 // Our complete wordPress speed optimization service enables you to provide the very best User experience possible

Experience lightning-fast website performance with our expert optimization services. Whether you need general improvements or specific speed optimizations, we've got you covered. Trust us, we've been doing this for years.

02 // Professional website analysis

Why is it important to have a fast website?

Your website speed reflects how quickly your site responds to requests from visitors. If your site loads fast, there is a high chance that you retain your visitors and improve search engine ranking as well. Our Website Optimization Service will help you improve your website load time

More Visitors

Nobody likes a slow website. 43% of users lose their patience and leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Having a fast website will ensure good customer experience and increase the chances of users visiting other pages on your site.

Higher Ranking

Page load time is a very important search engine ranking factor. Faster website leads to a higher rank in the search engine results, which will, in return, attract more potential customers. This means that having an optimized website is a must.

More Sales

Speed matters and a faster website can contribute to the rise of your conversion rates. In fact, a one-second delay can cost you up to 7% of conversions. Imagine what additional 5 seconds of load time will do. Don’t let your business suffer, speed up your website today.

03 // We give google EXACTLY what google wants

With our extensive experience, we can optimize the speed of your website within 1-2 days.

Before beginning the optimization process for your website, we will conduct a comprehensive analysis to ensure that no potential for improvement is overlooked. Once the analysis is complete, any performance issues that are identified will be promptly resolved.

E-commerce optimized

Speed is incredibly important for online stores because customers browse through different products. We will improve their experience by increasing speed, without affecting checkout and cart pages. They will definitely want to come to revisit your ultra-fast working store.

Caching and CDN

We can also setup browser caching plugins for you that will speed up the site for revisiting users. And a CDN (Content Delivery Network) will make your site faster by reducing the geographical distance your content has to travel, which will result in better speeds.

Powerful Minifying Resources

We will reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make the site load faster. We will also make JavaScript files load later, to save on initial load time of your pages. However, its all about balance, your site needs to remain stable after the minification. We will never compromise stability for speed.

Database Optimization

Every piece of information that went through your website ends up in its database. For that reason, it will become cluttered, and sooner rather than later it will negatively affect the performance. FixRunner can optimize and clean up your website’s database, making it slim and fast like never before.

Image Optimization

Our advanced technology enables us to achieve exceptional image compression without compromising the quality. Your images will retain quality, but their size is going to reduce significantly. Furthermore, we can set up “lazy load” images. As your users scroll down, images will load, which will improve page speed. It will also save bandwidth, storage space and decrease the costs of running your site.

Plugin Inspection

Plugins make WordPress websites unique, but too often people install them without needing them. Or, even worse, they install plugins from untrusted sources. We will inspect every plugin you have on your website, deleting what is unnecessary. If we find something faulty, or outdated, we will suggest better alternatives. All of that will result in better speeds but also reduced total site size.

Start a project today!

It’s important to have a website that meets the needs of users accessing it on their phones due to the increasing number of mobile users. Our development team collaborates intimately with our graphic designers, leveraging our profound understanding of user behavior and habits.

04 // Why Choose Us

Our Service ensures worry-free usage with no downtime and a guarantee of issue and error-free performance.

Our website optimization service promises to maximize your website’s speed and Google PageSpeed scores. With our expertise, we are able to quickly identify and fix any issues that may be impacting your site’s performance, no matter how small or large they may be. This guarantee is backed by our track record of successfully optimizing numerous websites, including our own. Trust us to squeeze the maximum speed out of your website.


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Get the highest Score

Experience lightning fast loading times with our website optimization guarantee. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in finding and fixing page speed related issues, no matter how big or small they may be. Trust us to maximize the speed of your website, just like we’ve done for our own.

Optimize for Mobile, Desktop & Tablet

Our website optimization services ensure that your website performs well on all devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers and tablets. We use the latest techniques to make sure your website is user-friendly and visually appealing on every platform.

Core web Vitals

We specialize in optimizing your website’s Core Web Vitals, including the LCP, CLS, and FID times. These factors are crucial for improving your website’s ranking on Google. Let us help you achieve maximum values for these metrics.

05 // Latest News

Our web design resources are designed to give you insights.

We have developed resources that offer expert-level, high-quality insights to assist you in becoming an industry leader.

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