Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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There are literally thousands of free WordPress plugins available for download from the Plugin Directory on There are also premium or paid plugins for WordPress.

Why would you choose to purchase a plugin? There are various explanations:

While the plugin directory contains thousands of free plugins, commercial plugins typically include a full-time support staff and developers who monitor the security and compatibility of plugins with the most recent version of WordPress and other themes and plugins.

The majority of the time, plugins are compatible with the core of WordPress and other plugins, however occasionally a plugin’s code will interfere with another plugin, causing compatibility concerns. With a paid plugin, it’s comforting to know that support staff is available to assist you if anything goes wrong.

You may be wondering what kinds of functions plugins can perform. Well, if you can think it, there likely exists a plugin for it. Simply peruse the WordPress plugin directory to discover all the ways plugins can extend or improve your WordPress website.

Web design is important because it can affect your business performance. A poorly-designed website that’s hard to use will reflect badly on your brand, and could negatively impact your sales. Alternatively, a professionally-designed, user-friendly website should help to keep visitors on your site and increase sales. Considering over 2.14 billion people worldwide are expected to buy online in 2021, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss out on.

Definitely. We build all of our websites using WordPress, an online, open-source content management system. There is a reason why WordPress is the most popular platform around. It’s user-friendly and easy to learn. If you have experience using Microsoft Word, you’ll be able to quickly pick up WordPress.

Also, we provide you and your team with three hours of one-on-one training. We are committed to ensuring that you’ll be knowledgable and comfortable using your new website.

We can, but it’s not necessary for us to meet at your building. The wonders of technology (emails, phone calls, and video conferencing) allow us to successfully work together even if we are several time zones apart. No matter where you are located, we are committed to maintaining a close working relationship throughout the project.

Absolutely! Granted, we may be biased because we design websites, but trust us when we say that a good website makes a big difference. Visitors make snap judgments about your organization or business within seconds of landing on your website. Interest has the potential to be solidified or dismissed. Consider your website to be similar to the role curbside appeal plays in the sale of a home. It does not directly sell the house, but it does encourage people to give it a chance. A great website encourages visitors to imagine themselves using or supporting your organization or business. It has the potential to assist you in growing and thriving. We’ve seen it time and time again.

The number of regular visitors to your website may surprise you. Approximately half of all visitors are new to your site. It’s safe to assume that many of these new visitors want to learn more about your company. You don’t want to give them a bad first impression. See if you can find out via Google Analytics how many new versus returning visitors you have.

To be honest, if you’re asking this question, you almost certainly already know the answer. Website design is a dynamic process. Although your organization or business may not require the most cutting-edge website design, its design should feel current and relevant. If your website is older than five years, the answer is almost certainly yes, it’s time for a redesign. Additionally, if you dislike the look of your website, why should your visitors?

Yes, we can port the domain to us and manage it on your behalf at no additional cost. If desired, you can choose to keep your existing domain registrar and direct it to the website we build.

Our plans include fully-managed, high performance, web hosting. If you currently have web hosting, we’ll help you transfer to our service.

Every website we design is one-of-a-kind and specifically made for each client. We do not use premade templates or themes.

Typically, we cannot. Our process and tooling are specifically designed for the websites we build. However, if there are elements you want to retain from an existing website, it’s often possible for us to recreate them in a new website.

We help clients who are located in the United States whose customers are also within the United States. While we would love to help businesses in other countries, we’ve found the timezone and marketing differences make us less effective.

We provide full ownership to your website design. Our websites are built on top of WordPress and can transfer to most web hosts. We want you to stay with us because you want to, not because you have to.

Shopping for a new website is identical to purchasing a car. Websites, like vehicles, come in a variety of classes, trim levels, finance, and ownership options. Unlike cars, though, it’s not always clear which functions are essential for your website. You may be getting a quote for a secondhand car with 200k miles on it, or even a monster truck.

Consider us as the new, dependable, low-maintenance SUV with an excellent warranty and service package, including oil changes! The features, performance, and price of our website plans are all balanced. We focus on aspects that provide the longest term value for small businesses. Use our automated calculator to get an estimate

While we like to be flexible and responsive to your needs, we also like to deliver what we promise within the time frames and budgets we have allowed. If you ask us to add new features to your website while we are building it, we will most likely ask why? If we all agree that your new request will help us to achieve our objectives then we will be more than happy to oblige.

If your new feature is something you would like to add to your website but is not directly tied to your original objectives then we will suggest scheduling it for a second iteration of the website once it has been launched. This will require a new proposal.

The time it takes for your website to appear on page 1 of Google depends on a number of factors. It depends on the search phrase people are using to find your website and the number of other websites that are also available for those search phrases. Nobody can truly say how long it will take for your website to appear at the top of search engine results pages (including people who actually work for Google), however, there are a number of factors that can improve your chances.

Building your website on WordPress is a good start as WordPress has some great Search Engine Optimization fundamentals built-in. Creating unique and interesting content on a regular basis for your website is also critical to increase your visibility among search engines. Launching your website and then forgetting about it is a surefire way to get lost among the noise.

We are happy to talk to you more about your search engine strategy if you have any questions.

Your website needs to be hosted by a hosting company that specializes in WordPress hosting. There are many companies that do this. We are more than happy to make a personal recommendation should you require one. If we manage and maintain your website for you, It will be hosted on a dedicated Cloud server AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode or Vultur. 

Once your website is launched, we will provide 30 days of support to make sure any bugs have been ironed out and that you are confident using your new website. After this, you will need to subscribe to our ongoing Website Care plan to make sure your website is updated and secure. The Website Care plan includes updating your software, daily backups, security checks, and making sure your website is online and open for business 24/7/365. More information on our website care plans is available upon request.

If you have subscribed to our ongoing Website Care plan, we will be your first point of contact should something go wrong with your website. We will determine whether it is something the hosting company needs to fix or something that is covered by your website care plan. We will provide basic training to assist you in using your website once it is launched.

This question does not have a single answer. The cost of a website design is determined by the specific requirements of each project. Every website is different and requires different components; we create custom websites that are tailored to your small business. We’ll ask you a lot of questions, evaluate your requirements, and provide you with an estimate based on our findings. Most of our sites cost between $3,000 and $10,000, however they might cost more or less based on your demands.

Usually that is you. You are the expert on your business, so it’s usually best if it comes from you. If you need help, we have a copywriter on our team who can help clean up or write original content for you at an additional cost.

A lot! Your input and feedback is crucial to this process. We’ll start with a lot of questions about your needs, your likes, your wants and work with you to develop just the right look and functionality.

Absolutely! Having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever! We work hard to ensure your website looks great on a variety of devices.

Yes. WordPress is a great content management system that now powers more than 30% of the web. Its huge market share is due to it’s flexibility and ease of use. Don’t worry, we’ll teach you how to manage it and help you along the way.

On average, the design and build process takes between 8-12 weeks. There are many variables involved that can influence the length of the project including:

  • The size of the website
  • The complexity of the design
  • Any advanced features you need
  • When your content is ready
  • Our current client design schedule
  • Your timely feedback and input on our work

Your Google My Business (GMB) listing provides an array of benefits to your business. Optimizing your company’s GMB listing can help your business rank higher in other searches, like Google Maps. Your Google My Business listing allows you to add photos and videos, which can generate a significant amount of interest in your company.

Additionally, there are options to add posts to announce events or expand the information about your company. Additionally, there is a Q & A section. There are many things that must be done to optimize your GMB.

All information must be accurate on every listing. The name, address, and phone number are especially important. It is also necessary to prevent duplicate listings and provide as complete a profile as possible. You must update your profile rather than create a new one. Regular maintenance is required for your GMB listing, because Google allows users to update information. It is important to review these updates to ensure that all information pertaining to your business remains accurate. Users are also able to provide answers to questions, so you must read those regularly to make certain that the answers are correct.

Google allows users to update information. It is important to review these updates to ensure that all information pertaining to your business remains accurate. Users are also able to provide answers to questions, so you must read those regularly to make certain that the answers are correct.

Google allows users to update information. It is important to review these updates to ensure that all information pertaining to your business remains accurate. Users are also able to provide answers to questions, so you must read those regularly to make certain that the answers are correct.

Why Hire an Agency
Working with an experienced agency can help improve your GMB listing and ensure that your business ranks higher in Google searches. For an agency to be as effective as possible, it may be necessary to add them to your GMB listing. This will allow them to check the status of your profile, ensure that all information has been added properly, and review and update information as necessary.

How to Add an Agency
The process of adding other users to your GMB listing isn’t too difficult, but it involves many steps.

1. Sign in to Your Google My Business Profile
Sign in to Google My Business. Adding an agency won’t require you to send them your personal account information and logins. The GMB setup allows you to add them as users so they will have their own access to the listing. Additionally, each user can be added in different capacities that will each have different levels of access to the listing.

2. Open the Location You’d Like to Manage
If you have multiple locations, you’ll need to ensure that you are using the desired one.

Google My Business Listings Dashboard
3. Click “Users” button
The “Users” button is located in the menu.

Select “Users” to Add a New User
4. Click on the “Invite New Managers” Icon
In the top right corner, there will be a button that says “Invite New Managers.” Click on this icon.

The Invite New managers Icon is in the Top Right Corner
5. Enter the Email and Select the User’s Role
Enter the email address of the user you’d like to add to your GMB listing.

You will be given the option of assigning the user as owner, manager, or communications manager. Each of these roles will have different levels of access to the listing. Additionally, only “owners” will be able to add other users to the listing, although managers will be able to remove themselves.

Enter the User’s Email and Choose a Role
6. Click Invite
This will send an email to the user you are attempting to add. You will receive a notification once they have accepted the invitation.

Email Received From Google My Business

What the New User Will See When They Accept The Invite
Your GMB listing requires consistent maintenance to ensure that it provides all the benefits it is able to. An experienced agency will be able to perform this maintenance for you. This will help you to ensure that your GMB listing remains optimized and accurate, ultimately earning you more business.

Social media has completely changed the game for advertising. In fact, 97% of marketers say Social Media is now critical for all businesses. By spending as little as six hours per week on socials, you can increase not only your brand recognition but your sales as well. Some may ask, do you really need social media marketing? Yes, yes you do. And here are some of the reasons why:

Increase Brand Awareness
A recent Pew Research Center study found that 68% of American adults are Facebook users. Among 18 to 24-year-olds, 78% use Instagram and 45% are on Twitter. Even Americans 65 and older, 37% are social media users! If all of these people are spending time on social media, why wouldn’t you do the same to increase exposure for your brand?

Implementing a social media strategy will greatly increase your brand recognition since you will be engaging with a broad audience of consumers. Create social media profiles for your business, hire employees and business partners who will “like” and “share” your content to introduce a new network of individuals. These new individuals could potentially become new customers, and the more people who know about your business, the better!

Engage With Your Customers
Social media is the perfect way to interact and engage with your customers! The more you are interacting on social media with potential customers, the higher your chances of conversion will be. Set up a two-way communication with your target audience so you can make sure you’re aware of their wants/needs and are able to cater to them. Communication with your customers is the best way to win their attention and deliver your brand’s message. You will also be able to gain an audience in real terms and form organic connections.

Boosting Your Website SEO
Search engine optimization (or SEO in short) is a set of rules that can be followed by website/blog owners to optimize their websites for search engines and thus improve their search engine rankings. SEO is an inbound marketing strategy; it allows you to market to people when they are looking for the products and services your business provides. It is also an awesome way to increase the quality of sites by making them user-friendly, faster and easier to navigate.

Enhance Brand Loyalty
A lot of business owners think having a ton of followers is the most important thing when in reality, it’s better to have a small number of organic followers than a ton of random ones. It doesn’t serve a real purpose if your followers aren’t loyal to your brand, so you want to make sure that you are targeting loyal followers as opposed to random ones! This is why it is so crucial that you focus on increasing brand loyalty. Having a loyal following means better engagement and a better chance of turning those followers into customers.

It’s free to create profiles on almost all social networking platforms, which makes social media the most cost-effective advertising route. 84% of marketers say they spend as little as six hours of effort per week on social media, and that little of time has been effective enough to drive traffic to their social media platforms. If you could just spend even one hour a day developing and creating content, you could start seeing the results! There is also paid advertising through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that is relatively cheap.

It’s safe to say that Social Media is here to stay, and the longer you wait to take advantage of social media marketing, the more you have to lose. When done right, it can lead to more customers, more traffic, and more conversions. The earlier you start, the sooner you will start seeing the results and growth in your business.

Perhaps the most popular PPC system in the world, Adwords allows businesses to create ads that will show on Google’s search engine results and other related properties. Google Adwords is a PPC platform where users bid on keywords and pay each time a user clicks on their ad.

Reaching out to people who have influence over a large audience whose brand is aligned with yours and coordinating collaborations. Collaborations can include posts on newsfeeds or in stories, blogs, and hosting giveaways.

Hiring a marketing agency allows multiple marketing experts to work on your account at the same time it saves on time, money and training. Scayver Graphix can provide a full team of public relations experts, content strategists, creative specialists and more.

A website’s goal is to provide inbound leads and visibility for your business. To accomplish that goal, your website needs to continually deliver a pleasant user experience to those who are looking for your products and services.

WordPress is open source content management software and currently powers around 25% of all websites on the Internet. The project is contributed to by tens of thousands of developers all over the world and is growing from strength to strength. This dynamic, open source software has evolved into an easy-to-use content management system, putting you in control of your content.

WordPress allows us to develop flexible and customizable websites to modern standards and observes web development best practices. Furthermore, the community of web developers that use WordPress reaches far and wide and allows us to tap into this collective intelligence and bring that wealth of experience to your project.