Secret Tips & Tricks for Article Marketing Success

A person in period costume reads a newspaper with the headline "SECRET TIPS & TRICKS FOR ARTICLE MARKETING SUCCESS." The text continues, "Launch article marketing campaigns to develop leads and build brand awareness.

What is Article Marketing?

Article marketing is a form of online marketing where companies advertise their products and services through articles. Traditionally, this was done via print media. Today, it has evolved into internet article marketing, where companies post articles on various online directories to generate leads and create brand awareness.

Importance of Article Marketing

The internet’s vast communication capabilities highlight the growing importance of online article marketing. Companies launch article marketing campaigns to develop leads and build brand awareness.

What is Viral Marketing?

Viral marketing is a technique that uses social networks like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to increase brand awareness and sales through self-replicating viral processes. It is characterized by a high pass-along rate, spreading messages quickly and widely.

How Viral Marketing Works

Viral marketing relies on creating connections and developing links. The more quality connections a company makes, the more business leads it generates. Companies often hire Viral Marketing Services (VMS) to leverage advanced internet technology and effective marketing strategies.

Scope and Importance of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing can generate buzz quickly and cost-effectively. It is considered a trusted source as messages are pushed through people, building a positive brand image and better prospects for your business.

How to Develop Effective Article Marketing Strategy

Article marketing is crucial for online business success. An effective strategy can increase website traffic, generate leads, build brand awareness, and enhance your company’s reputation.

Crafting Appropriate Articles

An effective article with appropriate information and proper keyword placement is key to success. Here are some tips to improve your article writing skills:

  • Identify the Purpose of Your Article: Determine whether your article is informative, promotional, or opinion-based.
  • Research and Plan Your Article: Conduct thorough research to provide valuable and authentic information.
  • Know Your Audience: Understand your audience’s needs and interests.
  • Keep It Simple, Informative, and Specific: Use simple language and be specific. Ensure your content is free of errors.
  • Talk to Your Reader: Use an active voice and engage your reader.
  • Proofread and Re-Read: Ensure your article is error-free.

Article Submission

Submitting your article to various directories is essential. Popular directories can generate significant traffic. Search for popular directories, create a profile, and submit your articles.

Measuring Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of your article marketing campaign is crucial. Evaluate whether your campaign has generated targeted business leads and improve your strategies accordingly.

What is a Successful Article?

A successful article attracts attention, arouses interest, creates desire, and stimulates action (AIDA Principle). It should be well-received by publishers and your target audience, generating business leads.

The AIDA Concept

  • Attention: Attract attention.
  • Interest: Arouse interest.
  • Desire: Create desire.
  • Action: Stimulate action.

Purpose of Articles

Articles can serve various purposes:

  • Source of Information: Provide valuable information to solve customer problems.
  • Source of Promotion: Promote sales by highlighting product attributes and offers.
  • Source of Opinion: Share views on specific topics to increase credibility.

How to Create Effective Article Content

A well-developed and targeted article is the foundation of your success. Here are some tips to create effective content:

  • Identify the Purpose of Your Article
  • Research and Plan Your Article
  • Know Your Audience
  • Keep It Simple, Informative, and Specific
  • Talk to Your Reader
  • Proofread and Re-Read

Tactics to Generate Web Traffic

Article marketing can generate significant web traffic. Here are some tactics:

  • Optimize SEO Ranking: Use effective keywords and proper link backs.
  • Link Extensively: Generate back links.
  • Take Advantage of RSS Feeds: Use RSS feeds to reach your audience quickly.
  • Add Author Resource Box: Include a compelling resource box at the end of your article.
  • Employ Viral Marketing Strategy: Post articles on social networking websites.

Tips to Boost SEO Ranking

SEO optimization is crucial for online success. Here are some tips:

  • Develop Key Word Rich Articles: Use popular keywords to optimize search engine rankings.
  • Use Phrases Instead of Single-Word Keywords: People often use complete phrases for searches.
  • Placement and Usage of Keywords: Maintain a balance and avoid overloading your article with keywords.
  • Appropriate Title: Use interesting keyword phrases as article titles.

Creating Back Links and Its Significance

Back links are essential for optimizing search engine ranking and increasing web traffic. Here are some strategies:

  • Develop Quality Content: Never compromise on content quality.
  • Appropriate Anchor Resource Box: Create a proper anchor text and resource box.
  • Research for Popular Sites: Use tools like Back link Binder to find popular sites.
  • Getting Listed in Article Directories: Submit articles to popular directories like e-zine.

Promoting Article Marketing through RSS Feeds

RSS feeds can enhance your online visibility. Here’s how:

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology that distributes and publishes syndicated content to a wide audience.

Benefits of Using RSS

  • Stay Informed: RSS notifies you of the latest content.
  • Saves Time: No need to visit each site individually.
  • Ensures Privacy: No need to join each site’s email newsletter.
  • More Organized: RSS handles notifications more efficiently than email marketing.

How RSS Works

Website authors maintain a list of notifications called “RSS Feed.” RSS aggregators access these feeds for new items and organize the results for you.

Promoting Article Marketing Through RSS Feeds

Create an individual article RSS feed and submit it to popular RSS submission sites. Include a link to your RSS feed on every article to encourage subscriptions.

Tips to Develop Compelling Author’s Resource Box

A compelling Author Resource Box can drive traffic to your website. Here are some tips:

  • Provide Appropriate Keywords: Ensure they are related to your site.
  • Include a URL: Add a URL for your ezine subscription address.
  • Anchor URL: Use an anchor URL related to a keyword or keyword phrase.
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Describe what makes you unique.
  • Call to Action: Lead the visitor to your website.
  • Free Report: Offer a free report to enhance credibility.

Words of Caution

  • Avoid Multiple URLs: Include one URL related to your article topic.
  • Be Specific and Brief: Don’t overload your resource box with achievements.
  • Avoid Direct Advertisements: Don’t include irrelevant product advertisements.
  • Optimal Size: Keep the resource box no larger than 15% of your total article size.

Article Submission Tips to Generate Maximum Exposure

Here are some valuable platforms to submit your articles:

  • Related Websites: Submit articles to sites related to your content.
  • Online Content Publishers: Submit articles to online publishers in relevant categories.
  • Popular Blogs: Post articles on related popular blogs.
  • Forums: Publish articles on relevant forums.
  • Article Distribution Sites: Submit articles to free or fee-based distribution sites.
  • Article Directories: Submit articles to related and reputable directories.

Taking Advantage of Article Directories

Submitting articles to article directories can generate significant traffic. Here are some benefits:

  • Reach Targeted Customers: Article directories can send your article to thousands of publications.
  • Improve SEO Rankings: Popular directories are considered authority sites by search engines.
  • Viral Potential: Articles can be republished in other directories, blogs, and niche websites.
  • Long-Term Existence: Articles stay in archives for years, continuing to send traffic to your website.
  • Free Marketing: Most directories are free marketing sources.

Tactics to Extract Maximum Advantage

  • Select Related and Reputable Directories
  • Stick to Directory Rules
  • Be Consistent in Writing New Articles
  • Include a Compelling Author Resource Box
  • Submit Articles to Multiple Directories: Use Article Spinning to avoid duplicity.

Article Marketing Automation

What is Article Marketing Automation?

Article Marketing Automation is an automated process to submit articles to various directories online. It saves time and is cost-effective.

Benefits of Article Marketing Automation

  • Preferred Link Building Tool: Allows multiple links in the article body.
  • Article Spinning: Provides fresh content for submission.
  • Eliminates Errors: Automated submission reduces mistakes.

Benefits of Article Marketing

Article marketing offers numerous advantages:

  • Lowest Investment: Inexpensive form of marketing.
  • Develops Credibility and Trust: Informative articles build trust.
  • Improves Expertise: Regular article creation enhances expertise.
  • Long-Term Existence: Articles stay online forever.
  • Rescue and Reinvest in Your Work: Upgrade and recirculate original content.
  • Utilize Articles in Various Ways: Email articles, create e-books, etc.
  • Works Even with Limited Time or Knowledge: Use reputable services for content creation and distribution.

Business Promotional Strategies through Article Marketing

Here are some tips to promote business through article marketing:

  • Develop Problem Solving Content: Provide valuable information to your audience.
  • Consistency: Write at least two articles per week.
  • Build Trust: Focus on winning customer trust rather than direct promotion.
  • Submit to Popular Directories: Increase web traffic and brand awareness.

Measuring Effectiveness of Article Marketing Campaign

Why Measure Effectiveness?

Measuring effectiveness helps identify successful tactics, refine strategies, rectify errors, and measure ROI.

Ways to Measure Effectiveness

  • Number of New Links
  • Number of Impressions
  • Placement on Popular Sites
  • Lead Generation
  • Requests from Editors
  • Web Page Ranking
  • Sales and Profits

Do’s and Don’ts of Article Marketing

Dos of Article Marketing

  • Do Your Research: Know your target audience and subject matter.
  • Create Informative Articles: Solve customer problems and drive attention.
  • Focus on Marketing, Not Advertising: Create demand through valuable content.
  • Focus on Both Customers and Publishers: Balance content quality and marketing.
  • Employ SEO Optimized Tactics: Use appropriate keywords, titles, and links.

Don’ts of Article Marketing

  • Don’t Compromise on Content Quality: Provide authentic information.
  • Avoid Sales Copy: Create informative articles, not sales letters.
  • Avoid Grammatical Mistakes: Proofread and check for errors.
  • Keep Articles Concise: Be precise and focused.
  • Submit to Relevant Directories: Avoid irrelevant sites and directories.

Difference between Article Marketing and Article Writing

Key Differences

  • Purpose: Article marketing aims to generate business sales, while article writing increases public awareness.
  • Submission: Article marketers submit articles for free, while article writers charge a fee.
  • Success Metrics: Article marketing success is measured by web traffic and sales, while article writing success is based on the author’s credibility.
  • Content Focus: Article marketers provide problem-solving material, while article writers share views and information.
  • SEO Focus: Article marketers ensure SEO optimization, while article writers do not.

Article Marketing – in a Bird’s Eye View

Article marketing is a powerful, cost-effective tool to drive targeted leads, optimize search engine rankings, and increase credibility and profitability. By developing customer-focused, problem-solving, and informative articles, marketers can achieve long-term success and online visibility.

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